"Navigating a Recession: 3 Ways to Keep Fundraising for Your Nonprofit"


Nonprofits rely heavily on donations from supporters, but what happens when the economy takes a downturn? In a recession, people often tighten their belts and cut back on spending, including charitable giving. However, there are still ways to keep fundraising for your nonprofit during tough economic times. Here are three strategies to consider:


People at a conference table. One person at a white board creating strategy using color coded post-its 

1. Diversify your fundraising efforts

During a recession, it's important to not rely on one type of fundraising. Donors may not be able to give as much or as frequently as they have in the past, so it's important to have a variety of fundraising efforts to fall back on.

Consider hosting virtual events, such as a virtual gala or auction, instead of in-person events. Virtual events can save money on venue costs and can allow for a wider audience to attend. You can also partner with businesses and organizations in your community to host a joint fundraising event. This can not only bring in more donations but can also raise awareness of your nonprofit to new audiences.

Another way to diversify your fundraising efforts is to consider monthly giving programs. Monthly giving can provide a steady stream of donations even during a recession. Encourage donors to sign up for monthly giving by highlighting the impact their donation can make over time. You can also offer incentives for monthly giving, such as exclusive content or a small gift.

Finally, don't forget about grant writing. Grants can provide significant funding for nonprofits during a recession. Take the time to research and apply for grants that align with your nonprofit's mission and programs.

2. Highlight your impact

During a recession, donors may be more hesitant to give if they're unsure about the impact their donation will make. It's important to communicate the impact your nonprofit is making and how donations are being used to make a difference.

One way to highlight your impact is to share success stories. Share stories of individuals who have been helped by your nonprofit and how their lives have been changed for the better. Consider sharing these stories on your website, social media, and in your newsletters.

Another way to communicate impact is to provide transparency in your financials. Donors want to know how their donations are being used and want to see that their donations are being used effectively. Make sure your nonprofit's financials are easily accessible and understandable to donors.

Finally, make sure to thank your donors and communicate the impact of their donations. Consider sending personalized thank you notes or making phone calls to donors to thank them for their support. Share updates on how their donations are being used and the impact it's making.

3. Focus on donor retention

During a recession, it's more important than ever to focus on retaining donors. Donor retention refers to the number of donors who continue to give to your nonprofit year after year.

One way to focus on donor retention is to provide excellent donor stewardship. Donor stewardship refers to the ongoing relationship between your nonprofit and your donors. Make sure to communicate regularly with your donors and provide opportunities for engagement, such as volunteer opportunities or donor events.

Another way to focus on donor retention is to provide incentives for continued giving. Consider offering a small gift or exclusive content to donors who have given for multiple years. You can also provide personalized communication to donors based on their giving history and interests.

Finally, make sure to track your donor retention rate and identify areas for improvement. Use data to understand why donors are leaving and what can be done to retain them.

While fundraising during a recession can be challenging, it's important to not give up. Diversify your fundraising efforts, stay top of mind by highlighting your impact, and laser focus on donor retention to keep your nonprofit afloat during tough economic times. With these strategies in mind, your nonprofit can continue to make a difference in the lives of those you serve.